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We've Won the Lottery—Now What?
The meaning of evangelical scandals—including our own.
In the Beginning, Grace
Evangelicals desperately need spiritual and moral renewal—on that everyone agrees. But what do we do about it?
Yawning at the Word
It's really hard to listen to God when there are really interesting things to think about.
Long Live Organic Church!
But what do we do if the world isn't transformed?
The End of Christianity as We Know It
Now we can move on from merely giving people pleasant worship experiences.
Learning to Count to One
New math for those addicted to getting higher and higher in their churches.
Journaling Grief: How Web-Based Publishing Is Changing Everything
The Internet allows a project to go from idea to publication in record time.
Proof of a Good God: 'Crucified Under Pontius Pilate'
Why this 'factoid' from the Nicene Creed is key to ending our nightmares about God.
What God May Be Up to In the Land of the Bible
Why and how to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
Pep Talks for Successful Living
Yes, but don’t we need something more from our churches?
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